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    光电信息大讲堂第四十九讲:光纤传感: 前景与应用

    来源: 时间:2017-10-11 点击量:

    时 间: 2016 年11月2日 10 : 00 - 12 : 00

    地 点: 南五楼 612 学术报告厅

    报告人: Dr Thomas Allsop,英国阿斯顿大学光电子技术研究所

    邀请人: 孙琪真 教授、闫志君 副教授



    Over the last two decades there has been a rapid expansion of fibre optic telecommunications. One area that has benefited from this growth is photonic sensing, which has utilised the technology developed to meet the demands in telecommunications and was once considered to be telecommunications’spoor relation. However, nowadays photonic sensing is standing on its own feet and forging ahead with new technologies along with promising new and exciting applications. To illustrate the above statement I will talk about specific photonic sensing applications that I have undertaken at the Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies. These will cover various types of sensors and sensing platforms that I have used or created: specifically I will present applications for fibre Bragg gratings, long period periods, surface plasmonresonances and localised surface plasmonresonances. I will cover these types of sensors and sensing mechanisms in three examples: firstly, the use of fibre gratings to monitor respiratory function plethysmography and cardiac-induced localized thoracic motion based upon shape sensing arrays; secondly, the use of localised surface plasmonsfor gas phase chemical sensing and ultra-low concentration chemical sensing in the liquid phase, working with carbon nanotubes or a zinc oxide/platinum matrix and aptamers, respectively; thirdly, using long period gratings with a femtosecond laser sculpted fibre employing magnetostrictionto detect the magnitude and direction of small static magnetic fields.


    DrThomas Allsop, 英国阿斯顿大学光电子技术研究所高级研究员,共同项目主管,于1997年在英国普利茅斯大学获得博士学位,从1998年起到现在,他加入英国阿斯顿大学光电子研究组(阿斯德光子技术研究所前身),在光纤光栅器件及其传感应用研究领域有着20多年的研究经验。目前为止,在国际学术期刊和会议中共发表学术论文100多篇,申请并授权12项国际专利。总引用达到1446次,h-index: 22, i10-index: 37.

    DrThomas Allsop, Senior Research Fellow /Co-research Investigator in AIPT, Aston University, UK, had his Ph.Ddegree from the University of Plymouth, UK in 1997. From 1998, he joined in Photonic research group, Aston University, UK (the predecessor of AIPT), and worked in optical fiber gratings and their sensing application field for over 20 years. So far, he has published over 100 papers in top rank journal and internal conference, and granted 12 internal patents. The sum of the Times Cited: 1446, h-index: 22, i10-index: 37(Google Scholar).

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